Testing in Odoo ERP

  • by bista-admin
  • Nov 30, 2017
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What is Testing in Odoo ERP?

A critical step of any successful project includes testing. Testing in Odoo ERP to discover bugs is relatively easy when following a basic outline. Below we will walk you through the steps of the testing process and how to apply it in Odoo ERP.

Why Odoo Testing is Needed:

Testing should be done for two reasons:

  1. Verification – Process of making sure that the product behaves the way we want it to.
  2. Validation – Process of making sure that the product is built as per customer’s requirements.

Based on these reasons, two types of testing techniques came into the picture.

  1. White box testing – It checks the internal working mechanisms of a program and the programming skills of the developer. However, what output we get matters the least here. It is also known as glass box testing, transparent testing, and structural testing.
  2. Black box testing – It is the process of checking the outputs of the program. It puts the least stress on how the program is designed and the internal mechanism of the program is not taken into consideration.

Based on how testing is achieved, there are two more types of testing techniques :

  1. Static testing – Most cost-effective testing technique. It can be done through reviewing the documents and source code, inspection, and walk-through.
  2. Dynamic testing – More advanced technique of testing. Developer/ Tester write programs. These programs are supplied with automated test tool(s), and the received output is examined.

Types of Testing:

There are numerous ways to test the software. Some of the Odoo testing techniques are listed below:

  1. Unit Testing – One of the white box testing techniques. It is the testing of the individual unit by the programmer to check if the unit he/she has implemented is producing the expected output against the given input.
  1. Functional Testing – Black box testing to ensure that the specified functionality in the system requirements is working.
  1. Integration Testing – Individual module is integrated with other modules and tested for all functionalities. This process is continued until all modules are integrated and we have one product to be served to the customer.
  1. System Testing – System testing is the testing to ensure that by putting the software in different environments (e.g., Operating Systems) it still works. System testing is done with the full system implementation and environment. It falls under the class of black box testing.
  1. Stress Testing – It is a form of deliberately intense or thorough testing used to determine the stability of a given system or entity. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results.
  1. Usability Testing – This testing is completely done from the user’s perspective. It includes questions like, is the interface, user-friendly? can user learn from the system? Can he get help from the system itself if he is stuck somewhere?. It is a black box type of testing.
  1. User Acceptance Testing – This black box type o testing is done by the customer to ensure that the delivered product meets the requirements.
  1. Regression Testing – This black box testing is done after making changes to the existing system to ensure that the modification is working correctly and it is not damaging the other units of the product.
  1. Beta Testing – Beta testing falls under black box testing. It is done by the people outside the organization and especially by those who were not involved in the development process. The aim is to test the product against unexpected errors.
  1. Smoke Testing – Smoke Testing, also known as “Build Verification Testing”, is a type of software testing that comprises of a non-exhaustive set of tests that aim at ensuring that the most important functions work. The results of this testing are used to decide if a build is stable enough to proceed with further testing.

The term ‘smoke testing’, it is said, came to software testing from a similar type of hardware testing, in which the device passed the test if it did not catch fire (or smoked) the first time it was turned on.

The following are the benefits of the smoke testing:

It exposes integration issues.

  • It uncovers problems early.
  • It provides some level of confidence that changes to the software have not adversely affected major areas (the areas covered by smoke testing, of course)

How to Pick Testing Technique

“ Testing is not a phase, It is the process that is part of Software Development Life Cycle ”

Testing starts from the moment a programmer starts creating a program. It is also quite likely to have a need for different testing techniques even after the product is delivered to the customer and the maintenance phase of the SDLC is going on.

Choosing one or more techniques completely depends on the intention of the testing. Based on those requirements, one can choose the testing techniques.

How to Use Testing Cleverly in Context of Odoo


If you are looking out for Odoo or any related module our team can help you to assist in selecting the modules and the number of licenses – For more information, you can email us at sales@bistasolutions.com.