Odoo Container Shipment Module

Odoo Container Shipment
  • by bista-admin
  • Jun 03, 2024
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Revolutionize Your Logistics with the Bista Container Shipment Module in Odoo 17

In the hectic world of logistics, effective container management is essential to maintaining a streamlined supply chain. With the new Bista Container Shipment Module for Odoo 17, businesses can now manage their container shipments with unprecedented ease and accuracy. This comprehensive module offers robust tools to improve purchase and stock management procedures while seamlessly integrating with Odoo’s ERP system.

Key Features of the Bista Container Shipment Module

  • Comprehensive Container Shipment Management:
      • Centralized Information Hub: Keep all your container shipment details in one place. This central repository makes it easy to access and update shipment information, reducing the risk of data discrepancies and loss.
  • Centralized Purchase Order Management
      • Container Status Button: In the purchase order form view, a new “Container” button provides quick access to the related container details, including shipment status, current location, and associated products. The button uses a “statinfo” widget to deliver up-to-the-minute information.
      • Receipt Status Grouping: A new filter groups orders by receipt status, allowing warehouse managers to track the exact status of containers and identify potential delays.

Odoo Container Shipment Module


  • Intuitive Stock Picking Workflow
      • Container Identification: The stock picking form and tree views are enhanced to label and identify containers explicitly. This improvement allows for faster identification and processing.
      • Batch Container View: The batch picking feature in Odoo is extended to provide a dedicated “Container” view, allowing warehouse managers to organize shipments at the container level and optimize space utilization.

Odoo Container Shipment Module

  • Seamless Integration:
      • Odoo Compatibility: The module is designed to work seamlessly with Odoo’s purchase and stock management modules. This integration ensures a smooth workflow across different functions, from procurement to inventory management.
      • Dependencies: By relying on ‘purchase_stock’ and ‘stock_picking_batch’, the module leverages Odoo’s existing capabilities to enhance your logistics operations without requiring extensive customization.

Odoo Container Shipment Module


  • Enhanced Security:
      • Access Controls: Protect your sensitive shipment data with robust security measures. Simply put, container management is protected with role-based access controls, ensuring that sensitive logistics data is only available to authorized personnel. This minimizes potential errors and improves data accuracy:
        • The module includes ‘ir.model.access.csv’ and ‘container_security.xml’ files that define user roles and permissions, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access and modify shipment information.

Odoo Container Shipment Module

      • Audit Trails: Keep track of all changes made to shipment data. This feature helps you maintain data integrity and accountability, making it easier to identify and address any unauthorized actions.
  • Detailed Reporting:
      • Comprehensive Reports: Generate detailed reports on container utilization, including shipment status/schedules, container contents, product distributions, and transit times. The ‘report_container_details.xml’ file provides a customizable template for creating insightful reports that provide valuable data for optimizing container usage and reducing shipping costs, tailored to your business needs.

Odoo Container Shipment Module


      • Data-Driven Insights: Use the reports to analyze your logistics performance, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions. These insights can help you optimize your supply chain and improve overall efficiency.
  • Intuitive Views:
      • User-Friendly Interfaces: The module provides intuitive interfaces for managing purchase orders, stock picking, and product views. These custom views (‘purchase_order_line_view.xml’, ‘stock_picking_batch_view.xml’, ‘product_view.xml’, and ‘stock_picking_view.xml’) are designed to simplify data entry and management, making it easy for users to navigate and perform their tasks efficiently.

Odoo Container Shipment Module

      • Enhanced Usability: The streamlined views reduce the learning curve for new users and improve productivity by minimizing the time spent on administrative tasks.
      • Container-Level Customization: Product views include data on each product’s respective containers, ensuring accurate stock planning, traceability, and streamlined inventory management.
      • Batch Line Filtering: Filter batch lines by specific products to identify which batches include particular items, speeding up decision-making during order fulfillment.

Benefits of Using the Bista Odoo Container Shipment Module

  • Improved Efficiency:
    • Automation: Automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, status updates, and notifications. This automation reduces manual workload and minimizes the risk of errors, allowing your team to focus on more strategic activities.
    • Streamlined Workflows: Integrate container shipment management into your existing processes, creating a seamless workflow that enhances overall efficiency and reduces operational delays.
  • Better Visibility:
    • Real-Time Monitoring: Gain real-time insights into your shipment statuses and container movements. This visibility enables you to track shipments accurately and address any issues promptly, ensuring smooth operations.
    • Transparency: Improve transparency across your supply chain by providing stakeholders with access to up-to-date shipment information. This transparency fosters better communication and collaboration.
  • Increased Security:
    • Role-Based Access: Implement role-based access controls to safeguard your shipment data. By restricting access to authorized users, you can protect sensitive information and reduce the risk of data breaches.
    • Data Integrity: Maintain data integrity with audit trails and detailed logs of all changes. This feature ensures that you can trace any modifications and verify the accuracy of your data.
  • Enhanced Reporting:
    • Customizable Reports: Leverage customizable reports to analyze your container shipment performance. These reports provide valuable insights that can help you optimize your logistics operations and improve decision-making.
    • Performance Metrics: Track key performance metrics such as delivery times, container utilization, and shipment accuracy. These metrics enable you to measure your logistics efficiency and identify areas for improvement.

Installation and Configuration

The Bista Container Shipment Module is easy to install and configure. Ensure you have the necessary dependencies (‘purchase_stock’ and ‘stock_picking_batch’) and follow the standard Odoo module installation procedures. Detailed configuration options are available within the module settings to tailor it to your specific business needs

  1. Install Dependencies: Ensure that the required modules (‘purchase_stock’ and ‘stock_picking_batch’) are installed in your Odoo instance.
  2. Upload the Module: Upload the ‘bista_container_shipment’ module to your Odoo instance.
  3. Install the Module: Navigate to the Apps menu, search for “Bista Container Shipment,” and click the Install button.
  4. Configure Settings: Access the module settings to configure options such as user roles, notifications, and reporting preferences.


For any company aiming to improve supply chain management and logistics, the Bista Container Shipment Module for Odoo 17 is an asset. With its comprehensive features, seamless integration, and strong security measures, this module is designed to take your container management to the next level via its more secure and transparent supply chain.

For warehouse managers and purchasing professionals, the Bista Container Shipment module enhances core workflows and integrates seamlessly with Odoo 17, ensuring your logistics operations are more efficient, accurate, and secure. 

Contact Bista Solutions to optimize your container management and improve your bottom line today!