Odoo Auto Vendor Lead Time Calculation

Odoo auto vendor lead calculation
  • by bista-admin
  • Jun 03, 2024
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Master Inventory Management with Odoo’s Auto Vendor Lead Time Calculation Module


In today’s competitive business environment, effective inventory management is crucial for maintaining optimal stock levels and ensuring customer satisfaction. Odoo’s Auto Vendor Lead Calculation module offers a robust solution for automating inventory processes, calculating vendor lead times, and enhancing demand planning.

Automated Vendor Lead Time Calculation

One of the core features of the Auto Vendor Lead Calculation module is its ability to automatically calculate lead times for your vendors based on historical data and predefined rules. This automation saves time and reduces errors compared to manual calculations, ensuring more accurate planning for when to reorder stock.

  • Benefits
    • Time-saving: Automated calculations free up valuable time for your team.
    • Accuracy: Reduces the likelihood of human error in lead time calculations.
    • Efficiency: Ensures more reliable planning and timely reordering of stock.


  • How It Works
    • Historical Data Analysis: The module analyzes past purchase orders to determine the average lead time for each vendor.
    • Predefined Rules: You can set specific rules for calculating lead times based on factors such as vendor performance and seasonal variations.
    • Dynamic Adjustments: The system adjusts lead times dynamically based on real-time data, ensuring up-to-date and accurate information.

Demand Planning

Demand planning is essential for predicting future demand and maintaining optimal inventory levels. The module helps prevent stockouts and overstock situations, ensuring that you always have the right amount of inventory to meet customer demand.

Key Points:

  • Predictive Analytics: Uses historical sales data to forecast future demand.
  • Optimization: Helps in planning inventory levels to prevent shortages and surpluses.
  • Business Management: Supports corporate supply chain decisions.


  • Data Collection: Gathers data from various sources, including sales history, market trends, and promotional activities.
  • Forecasting Models: Utilizes advanced algorithms and statistical methods to predict future demand.
  • Scenario Analysis: Allows you to run different scenarios to understand potential demand fluctuations and plan accordingly.

ABC and XYZ Analysis

ABC and XYZ analysis are powerful tools for categorizing inventory items and understanding demand patterns.

ABC Analysis

  • Purpose: Categorize inventory items into three categories (A, B, C) based on their value and importance.
  • What it is: ABC analysis: is a business management method used to visualize the situation in a company. It is used to answer revenue-related questions and then to develop targeted actions for the future based on these answers. The items being analyzed are divided into three categories: A (very important), B (moderately important), and C (less important). This analysis is based on what percentage share of the total an individual item represents (e.g. the total revenue, profit, or costs). ABC analysis is based on the Pareto Principle which uses the 80/20 rule.
  • Benefit: Helps you focus on the most critical items that contribute the most to your revenue.


  • Category A: High-value items that account for a significant portion of your revenue (typically 70-80%).
  • Category B: Moderate-value items that contribute to a smaller portion of your revenue (typically 15-25%).
  • Category C: Low-value items that make up the remaining portion of your revenue (typically 5%).

XYZ Analysis

  • Purpose: Categorizes items based on the variability in their demand (X for low variability, Y for moderate, Z for high).
  • What it is: It is a method of inventory classification that groups items based on their demand variability. It is often used in conjunction with ABC analysis, which groups items based on their value. XYZ analysis can help businesses to optimize their inventory management by identifying items that require different levels of attention. Items with a CV of less than 10% are classified as X items, items with a CV of 10-30% are classified as Y items, and items with a CV of over 30% are classified as Z items.
  • Benefit: Assists in understanding the demand patterns and planning accordingly.


  • Category X: Items with stable demand and low variability (CV < 10%).
  • Category Y: Items with moderate variability in demand (CV between 10-30%).
  • Category Z: Items with high variability in demand (CV > 30%).

ABC-XYZ Analysis

  • Combination: Merges ABC and XYZ categories into a 9-category matrix.
  • Definition: The main idea of the ABC XYZ analysis is to combine ABC and XYZ categories across two dimensions: we end up with a matrix of 9 categories. Then, we can classify items around 4 extremes: AX: High sales volumes, stable; AZ: High sales volumes, very volatile; CX: Low sales volumes, stable; CZ: Low sales volumes, very volatile. This analysis helps to manage products and optimize inventory by focusing on the products that represent the biggest sales and the most inventory for the company. It also takes into account the uncertainty of demand, making it a more comprehensive tool for inventory management.
  • Focus Areas: Helps manage products by focusing on high-value, high-demand items and optimizing inventory based on demand variability.


Matrix Structure: The combination results in categories like AX (high-value, stable demand) and CZ (low-value, high variability), providing a comprehensive view of inventory management.

Stock Order Points

The module automatically calculates and sets reorder points for your stock items based on demand forecasts and lead times. This ensures timely reordering of items to avoid stockouts and optimizes inventory levels.


  • Timeliness: Ensures items are reordered before stockouts occur.
  • Optimization: Maintains optimal inventory levels to meet demand without overstocking.

How It Works:

  • Safety Stock Calculation: Determines the additional quantity needed to prevent stockouts during unexpected demand spikes.
  • Reorder Point Formula: Uses the lead time demand and safety stock to calculate the precise reorder point for each item.
  • Dynamic Updates: Continuously updates reorder points based on real-time data and changing demand patterns.

Reports and Analysis

The module provides detailed reports on future demand predictions and inventory requirements, as well as ABC and XYZ analysis reports. These reports offer valuable insights into future inventory needs, helping in making informed decisions and prioritizing inventory management efforts.

Types of Reports:

  • Demand Planning Reports: Detailed insights into future demand and inventory needs.
  • ABC and XYZ Analysis Reports: Categorizes items to help prioritize management efforts.


  • Customizable Reports: Tailor reports to your specific business needs and preferences.
  • Visual Dashboards: Use interactive dashboards to visualize key metrics and trends.
  • Real-time Data: Access up-to-date information to support timely decision-making.

Import Wizards

The module facilitates the bulk import of sales and purchase orders, saving time by allowing you to import large volumes of data quickly and efficiently.


  • Efficiency: Quickly import large datasets.
  • Time-saving: Reduces manual data entry efforts.

How It Works:

  • Data Mapping: Map your data fields to the corresponding fields in the system.
  • Bulk Upload: Use the import wizard to upload data in bulk, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
  • Error Handling: The system detects and highlights errors for easy correction before finalizing the import.


Configuration and Settings

The Auto Vendor Lead Calculation module allows customization of lead time calculation rules, demand planning parameters, and other settings to match your business needs. This ensures the module works according to your specific requirements.


  • Lead Time Rules: Tailor calculation rules based on your historical data.
  • Demand Planning Parameters: Adjust settings to align with your business strategies.


  • User-friendly Interface: Easy-to-use interface for configuring settings.
  • Flexible Options: Wide range of customization options to suit different business models.
  • Scalable: Adaptable to businesses of all sizes, from small enterprises to large corporations.


Practical Use Cases

1. Optimizing Reorder Processes

  • Definition:
      • Automatically calculates when you need to reorder stock based on lead times and demand forecasts. This reduces the risk of running out of stock, ensuring you can always meet customer demand.
  • Impact:
    • Stock Availability: Consistently meet customer demand.
    • Risk Reduction: Minimize the chances of stockouts.
  • Example:
    • Retail Business: A retail store can ensure that popular items are always in stock by using the module to predict reorder needs based on historical sales data and lead times.

2. Improving Inventory Turnover

      • Definition:
        • Using ABC and XYZ analysis, the module helps you focus on high-value and high-demand items, reducing excess inventory and freeing up capital.
      • Impact:
        • Capital Utilization: Better use of capital by reducing excess stock.
        • Focus Areas: Concentrate on items that drive revenue.
      • Example:
        • Manufacturing Company: A manufacturer can streamline inventory by focusing on high-value components with stable demand, thus reducing holding costs and improving cash flow.

3. Enhancing Decision Making

      • Definition
        • The detailed reports and analysis provided by the module help you make informed decisions about inventory management. By identifying trends and patterns in demand, you can engage in proactive planning.
      • Impact:
        • Informed Decisions: Make strategic inventory decisions based on data.
        • Trend Analysis: Identify and react to demand patterns.
      • Example:
        • E-commerce Business: An online retailer can use demand planning reports to prepare for peak shopping seasons, ensuring adequate stock levels and improving customer satisfaction.

4. Streamlining Operations

      • Definition
        • By automating routine tasks like lead time calculations and report generation, the module allows your staff to focus on more strategic activities, improving overall operational efficiency.
      • Impact:
        • Operational Efficiency: Free up resources for strategic initiatives.
        • Automation: Reduce manual workload and improve accuracy.
      • Example:
        • Wholesale Distributor: A distributor can automate inventory processes, allowing staff to focus on building supplier relationships and expanding market reach.


Odoo’s Auto Vendor Lead Calculation module is a powerful tool for automating and optimizing inventory management processes. It helps in predicting demand, setting reorder points, and categorizing inventory to focus on what matters most. By providing valuable insights through reports and analysis, it enables better decision-making and more efficient operations, ultimately contributing to better service levels and improved profitability.

For more information or to get started with Odoo’s Auto Vendor Lead Calculation module, connect with our team of experts via our Bista Solutions contact form or call +1 (858) 401-2332.