How to set up OpenERP for different Time Zones

How to set up OpenERP for various timezone kindly follow the following steps to select timezone in OpenERP:

How to set up OpenERP for different Time Zones
How to set up OpenERP for different Time Zones

Click on the “Edit Preferences” wheel at top right corner

How to set up OpenERP for different Time Zones
How to set up OpenERP for different Time Zones

Click on the “Preferences” tab

Select the timezone from drop down menu
How to set up OpenERP for different Time Zones

Select the timezone from Drop Down Menu

Following code will be working for “GMT-x” time zones. Mostly US based.

FMT = ”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S” #Time Format
#########################Timezone Logic########################
timezone_time = self.pool.get(”res.users”).browse(cr,uid,uid).context_tz #Timezone selected in OpenERP
now_utc =”UTC”)) #fetching UTC time
now_utc1 = str(now_utc)[:19] #Truncating time only
now_tm = #system time
current_now = str(now_tm)[:19] #Truncating system time only
if timezone_time:
current_timezone = now_utc.astimezone(timezone(timezone_time)) #getting the time of selected timezone
current_timezone = str(current_timezone)[:19] #Truncating timezone time only
current_timezone = current_now #Current time

#Difference between the UTC and Timezone time
UTC_timezn = datetime.strptime(now_utc1, FMT) – datetime.strptime(current_timezone, FMT)

#Difference between the Current and Timezone time
currnt_timezn = datetime.strptime(current_now, FMT) – datetime.strptime(current_timezone, FMT)

openerp_selected_tm = self.browse(cr,uid,ids[0]).last_ebay_order_import_date #getting user selected time from OpenERP

currentTimeFrom = datetime.strptime(openerp_selected_tm, FMT) – currnt_timezn #Subtracting the currnt_timezn from user selected time

Final_time = currentTimeFrom + UTC_timezn #Final time by adding UTC_timezn