How to set up OpenERP for different Time Zones
How to set up OpenERP for various timezone kindly follow the following steps to select timezone in OpenERP:
Click on the “Edit Preferences” wheel at top right corner
Click on the “Preferences” tab
Select the timezone from Drop Down Menu
Following code will be working for “GMT-x” time zones. Mostly US based.
FMT = ”%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S” #Time Format
#########################Timezone Logic########################
timezone_time = self.pool.get(”res.users”).browse(cr,uid,uid).context_tz #Timezone selected in OpenERP
now_utc =”UTC”)) #fetching UTC time
now_utc1 = str(now_utc)[:19] #Truncating time only
now_tm = #system time
current_now = str(now_tm)[:19] #Truncating system time only
if timezone_time:
current_timezone = now_utc.astimezone(timezone(timezone_time)) #getting the time of selected timezone
current_timezone = str(current_timezone)[:19] #Truncating timezone time only
current_timezone = current_now #Current time
#Difference between the UTC and Timezone time
UTC_timezn = datetime.strptime(now_utc1, FMT) – datetime.strptime(current_timezone, FMT)
#Difference between the Current and Timezone time
currnt_timezn = datetime.strptime(current_now, FMT) – datetime.strptime(current_timezone, FMT)
openerp_selected_tm = self.browse(cr,uid,ids[0]).last_ebay_order_import_date #getting user selected time from OpenERP
currentTimeFrom = datetime.strptime(openerp_selected_tm, FMT) – currnt_timezn #Subtracting the currnt_timezn from user selected time
Final_time = currentTimeFrom + UTC_timezn #Final time by adding UTC_timezn