How To Install Odoo 11 On Ubuntu
Odoo 11 is released and this blog is for those who wish to install Odoo 11 in their systems. Since Odoo 11 is supported on python3 and higher versions only, this blog tells you how can one keep Odoo 10 and can run Odoo 11 simultaneously.
Check if the python 3 or higher version is installed in your system.
Open terminal and type python3.5. If it shows the python terminal as shown in the image below, you do not need to install python3.5 explicitly.
NOTE: Python3.5 is available in Ubuntu 16.04 by default.
If python3.5 is not installed, go to terminal and execute the following commands.
1.1 cd /usr/src
1.2 wget
1.3 sudo tar xzf Python-3.5.2.tgz
1.4 cd Python-3.5.2
1.5 sudo ./configure
1.6 sudo make altinstall
To check if the python is installed correctly in your system, check with the command, python3.5 in terminal.
Install the python dependencies.
sudo python3.5 -m pip install pypdf2 Babel passlib Werkzeug decorator python-dateutil pyyaml psycopg2 psutil html2text docutils lxml pillow num2words reportlab ninja2 requests gdata XlsxWriter vobject python-openid pyparsing pydot mock mako Jinja2 ebaysdk feedparser xlwt
Install and configure the latest version of postgres.
If any old version of postgres is already installed, you can replace the old version with the new one. Follow the below steps.
3.1 Upgrade the Postgres
3.1.1 sudo apt-get upgrade
3.1.2 Get the latest version of postgres from
3.1.3 To find the installed versions that you currently have on your machine, you can run the following:
dpkg –get-selections | grep postgres
3.1.4 You can also list the clusters that are on your machine by running.
3.1.5 Stop using postgres service before making any chnages.
sudo service postgresql stop
3.1.6 Rename the new postgres version’s default cluster.
sudo pg_renamecluster 9.6 main main_pristine
3.1.7 Make sure that everything is working fine.
sudo service postgresql start
3.1.8 Drop the old cluster
sudo pg_dropcluster 9.3 main
3.1.9 Create the odoo user
sudo su – postgres -c “createuser -s odoo”
3.2 Fresh installation of Postgres
3.2.1 sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
3.2.2 sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
3.2.3 add the following line in the file.
3.2.4 deb xenial-pgdg main
3.2.5 wget –quiet -O – | sudo apt-key add –
3.2.6 sudo apt-get update
3.2.7 sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.6
3.2.8 sudo su postgres
3.2.9 createuser -s ubuntu_user_name
3.2.10 exit
Install the js libraries and dependencies.
4.1 sudo apt-get install node-clean-css -y
4.2 sudo apt-get install node-less
4.3 sudo apt-get install -y npm
4.4 sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
4.5 sudo apt-get install python-gevent -y
4.6 sudo npm install -g less
4.7 sudo npm install -g less-plugin-clean-css
At last, start Odoo 11 server
python3.5 ./odoo-bin –addons addons/
If you are looking out for Odoo 11 implementation for Community or Enterprise edition our team can help you to assist in selecting the modules and the number of licensing – For more information, you can email us on